Inspirational thoughts from Lillian Corrigan, writer of The Bricks and Sticks of Life
What?! Another nor’easter? Seriously? Forecasts of more snow, rain, winds, cold… My immediate response: “I can’t wait for Spring!”
Do you say this too? March is an odd month - filled with significant, undeniable transition. For some indescribable reason, it seems the remaining seasons migrate from one to another gradually; but not the arrival of spring. March transpires as an all-out battle between winter and spring. Each time spring demonstrates progress, winter clobbers the earth with a heavy blow. Who enjoys the dark, dreary, cold, gray, wet, hostile combat between winter and spring? I throw my hands in the air uttering: “I can’t wait! I can’t wait for warmer temperatures, sunny days, the garden to bloom…” I find myself in a climate of longing, yearning beyond anticipation. Of course, anticipation can be wonderful if we savor the waiting stages, when we relish the planning and preparing for something grand. However, when I feel that old, “I-can’t-wait-for-spring,” it's more a desire to hurry past now and arrive at later. All around me, I notice a congruent cacophony of the same kind of comments, especially this time of year: “I can’t wait for prom,” “I can’t wait for finals to be over,” “I can’t wait for next year,” “I can’t wait to get a [new] job. And there’s more: “I can’t wait for our wedding...or the baby to come… or the kids to start school… or for all their sport events to subside…” I can’t wait till… I start to wonder and, well, feel a bit disappointed, even in myself. I suddenly realize, What about now? What about today? Doesn’t this day have anything to offer? What’s my point? Don’t underestimate the beauty and wonder in this moment. Yes, that’s our theme for March. I fear for those of us wishing time away, eager for the next “whatever” to arrive. I feel sad when I hear someone coveting the future. Every day contains something worthwhile. Think about what that could be: a call with an old friend, a dinner that turned out especially well, a news report of an organization making a difference in their community, fortune in choosing the fast line at the grocery store, a child helping with the dishes, or bringing home good news about school, friends, or interests. These should not be discounted. They are not merely deserved, expected, normal phenomenon. These are the amazing events that make up our lives. Moments come together to create a lifetime. When I start to wish them away, I need to pause and ponder. Then… I recognize an overlooked treasure. There is great value in today, whatever it brings. I find most days include a bit of good and a bit of not-so-great… it's up to me as to where I put my focus. But this day, these hours, they are mine. The people, the events, situations, challenges, successes or failures, hot or cold, cloudy or sunny… it’s my time to appreciate; my moments to enter into the memory bank, journal, diary… my minutes with which to take delight and then recall when months and years have gone by and those once longed-for times have passed. May I suggest we don’t forget to notice the tulips working hard to peek through the still snow-covered dirt. I chose to appreciate their efforts now, even before their bloom. Yes, let’s not miss a moment! I want to notice the daylight, and take advantage of a day to bake something yummy, minutes to call a friend, time to take a drive, or read... Find something in each day to feel good about. Don’t waste any day “not being able to wait for spring.” It will surely come in time. “Our purpose in life isn’t to arrive at a destination where we find inspiration, just as the purpose of dancing isn’t to end up at a particular spot on the floor. The purpose of dancing – and of life – is to enjoy every moment and every step.” -Wayne W. Dyer Trade your expectation for appreciation and the world changes instantly -Tony Robbins “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present” -Lao Tzu “If we are to enjoy life, NOW is the time, not tomorrow or next year. Today should always be our most wonderful day.” -Thomas Dreier “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” -Ecclesiastes 3:1 “You have everything you need for complete peace and total happiness right now.” -Dr. Wayne W. Dyer “Never allow waiting to become a habit…. Life is happening now.” -Unknown “Life is a journey, not a destination.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
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AuthorLillian Corrigan uses writing to learn, inspire and encourage both others and herself. No stranger to devastating, life-altering hardship and loss, she's begun working as a motivational author. Archives
December 2018
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